Twenty Twenty One, The New Default Theme in WordPress 5.6

Twenty Twenty One - Default WordPress Theme in WordPress 5.6

Who’s excited about WordPress 5.6? Let’s welcome our next default WordPress theme, aptly named, Twenty Twenty One.

The next big release, WordPress 5.6 is set to be released in the month of December this year. With the big update on its way, we are getting a brand new theme, Twenty Twenty One. The theme is going to be one of the major updates in WordPress 5.6.

Mel Choyce is leading the Twenty Twenty One theme design.  Nymark is taking charge of development, and Jessica Lyschik is representing as Theme Wrangler.

Like any other theme released by WordPress, Twenty Twenty One default WordPress theme is also clean, simple, and visually aesthetic. With a simple and minimal outlook, the theme provides extreme flexibility at its core.

Mel Choyce describes the theme as a blank canvas for the block editor. It is fresh with a simple and clean design. By default, the theme uses a native system font stack. It does not take extra time to load and makes it easier for users to customize or create child themes for Twenty Twenty One.

You can use the default theme for a wide range of website types; from simple blogs to professional websites, and from photography to eCommerce websites. The theme fits flawlessly for all. Twenty Twenty theme comes with full Gutenberg support and also the new block patterns. The theme includes both front and back-end styles. With that, you will be able to present your website’s appearance elegantly. The versatile layout options and content-centered features make it an ideal default theme to date.

Color Palette in Twenty Twenty One Theme

Color Palette in Twenty Twenty One

The new Twenty Twenty One includes a limited pastel color palette. By default, it has a pastel green background color, and two shade of dark grey for text. There will be more color palettes in the future, including a white and black color scheme as well.

Block Patterns Compatibility

Block Patterns

WordPress 5.5 introduced us with a new Block Patterns section.  The feature allows you to insert beautiful layouts for posts and pages. This new theme will come packaged with a bunch of unique patterns designed explicitly for the theme.

The new default theme is based on Seedlet, another WordPress theme from the theme repo.

WordPress 5.6 is slated to be released in December this year. It is going to be a major release featuring an all-women release squad.

You can learn more about the insides of the new default WordPress theme here.

Excited to try out the new default theme? Drop your thoughts on the comments section.


News Source: WordPress Core

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