Suvash Khadka has been involved in the WordPress community since the very beginning—2012 to be precise. He’s been a part of every WordPress conference possible in and across the nation. He’s been a part of small meetups to large seminars and International Standard Conference – WordCamps across the nation. He is currently working as a Q/A System Analyst at Stupa Technology, and also co-founder of the company. He’s also actively serving the ICT sector as an academic instructor/lecturer. He works on many projects facilitated by the Nepal Government in IT sector.
At WCKTM2019, his talk was on Line-up Community and Connectunity where he stressed on the things related to WordPress communities in Nepal and the impact it has added. It also included future prospects and how we all could grow professionally and personally.
In the interview below, Suvash shares that he sees himself as a WordPress enthusiast who loves working with the WordPress community.
He said, “From what I have seen while working in the community and by attending many meetups/WordCamps, I think we need to combine three different things, local ones, global aspects and what the Government is actually doing.”
“Combining community, opportunity, and connectivity, I came up with the approach of launching a project of connectunity. WordPress communities around the nation will be working on this project. We had started the small aspect of the same project in WordPress Bharatpur community.”
He also talked about how Gutenberg could ease out the work for everyone, however, the transition from Classic editor to Gutenberg is taking a little time as there still are many who’s comfortable with the classic editor.
It was a very informative talk. A huge “Thank You” to Mr. Khadka from the DevotePress team for sitting with us and sharing his perspectives.
You can find the full interview session with Suvash Khadka on our YouTube Channel, or you can also watch the video below:
If you want to keep up with our WCKTM2019 interview sessions and want to see more from us, consider subscribing to our YouTube channel – DevotePress.
WordCamp Kathmandu 2019 took place on March 16-17, 2019. If you had missed the event, we’ve got it all covered for you. You can check it out here. Also, if you want to see more interviews from WCKTM2019, click here.