Twenty Twenty Two, The New Default Theme in WordPress 5.9

Twenty Twenty Two - The New Default Theme in WordPress 5.9

The next big release, WordPress 5.9 is set to be released in the month of December this year. With the arrival of this update, we will also witness a brand new default theme, aptly named, Twenty Twenty Two. This new default WordPress theme is going to be one of the highlights in WordPress 5.9.

Kjell Reigstad is leading the Twenty Twenty Two theme design and Jeff Ong is taking charge of development.

Like any other default theme released previously by the WordPress team, Twenty Twenty Two default WordPress theme is also clean, elegant, and visually aesthetic. With the aesthetic classy design, the theme provides extreme flexibility at its core. Twenty Twenty Two is going to be the most flexible default theme ever created for WordPress.

Twenty Twenty Two, the next default WordPress Theme is absolutely fresh with a simple, clean design and a subtle playful look. The theme uses the lightweight Source Serif Pro for headlines, paired with a sensible sans-serif for support. The color palette in the theme is also classy, elegant, and playful.

You can use the default theme for a wide range of website types; from simple blogs to professional websites, and from photography to eCommerce websites. The theme fits flawlessly for all. Twenty Twenty Two theme is all set for Full Site Editing. The theme aims to use as little CSS as possible: the goal is to configure all theme styles through theme.json and editable through Global Styles. The versatile layout options and content-centered features make it an ideal default theme to date.

Powerful Customization Options

The next default WordPress theme, Twenty Twenty Two will come with a wide range of page templates, headers, footers, and other patterns to give your website a unique look.

Color Schemes

A handful of alternate color schemes along with customization options will also be available to change your website’s appearance drastically within seconds. Not only that, but users will also be able to change fonts, image treatments, and more on a site-wide level.

WordPress 5.9 is going to roll out in December this year. It is going to be the third major release this year.

You can learn more about the insides of the new default WordPress theme here.

Excited to try out the new default theme? Drop your thoughts in the comments section.


News Source: WordPress Core


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