How to Redirect Users to a Random Post in WordPress

Do you want to redirect users to a random post in WordPress? WordPress posts appear in newest to oldest form (reverse chronological order), so your visitors will read the latest post first. If you write regularly on your blog, then your users may not be able to discover your older articles.

Random post allows users to explore older articles and read posts that are hidden in your blog archives. You can display random posts in the sidebar of your blog which will allow your users to discover new content while increasing your page views.

The following steps below will help you learn in the quickest and easiest way to redirect users to a random post in WordPress.

Redirecting Users to a Random Post in WordPress

The very first thing you need to do is install and activate the Redirect URL to Post plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Install and Activate.
Install and Activate.

Upon activation, you will see the URL query parameters for redirection on the WordPress plugins page. This plugin has no other settings page.

You can use any of these query parameters in your post and pages to redirect users to random posts, latest posts, and other older articles.

URL Query Parameters.
URL Query Parameters.

To redirect users to a random post, copy the random post query parameter and add it in your error pages and other pages as a link. Clicking on the link will redirect users to a different random post.

You can add ‘a button’ for redirection on your blog. Add the shortcode given below in your WordPress posts and pages to display the random post button.


Random Post Button.
Random Post Button.

When clicked on this button, they will redirect you to a random post on your WordPress.


And that’s it. You can use the above method to redirect users to a random post in WordPress. We hope the article helped you with redirecting users to a random post in WordPress.

If you have anything to add, share, or ask, you can see use the comments section.


Reference: WP Beginner

2 thoughts on “How to Redirect Users to a Random Post in WordPress

  1. wefwef says:

    If I copy a redirect to a random post code, will it redirect to a random post? Will a random post redirect to redirecting to a random post?? A random post code is redirecting to a random posts. Redirecting users to a random post is better than redirecting to another post?????

    1. Christoph says:

      Once you redirect to a post, the URL will be rewritten to that post’s URL, of course without the “redirect_to” part. So the plugin redirects only once.
      The plugin can also redirect to first oder last posts.


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