First-Ever WordCamp Japan 2021

WordCamp Japan 2021 featured image

WordPressers, the first-ever WordCamp Japan 2021 is happening! And the best thing? The event is absolutely free to join. Anyone from any corner of the globe can attend WCJPN2021 as the event is taking place online.


WordCamp Japan 2021 is going to be a week-long event starting June 20 to June 26, 2021. The first and last days will be Session Days and the remaining 5 days will be Contributor Days.

Full Schedule

All the previous WordCamps held in Japan were named after the region where they took place. For instance, WordCamp Ogijima 2020, WordCamp Niigata 2019, WordCamp Haneda 2019, WordCamp Tokyo 2019, and more. However, WCJPN21 is not the first online WordCamp in Japan. Last year, WordCamp Ogijima 2020 took place online and it was a successful event. According to the organizers and participants, “The event was a great success and community members were recruited without any regional restrictions.”

Shusei Toda is the Lead Organizer for WordCamp Japan 2021 happening online. She hopes to see participants from all over Japan and outside as well. She writes, “We hope that participants will take advantage of the opportunity of WordCamp Japan 2021 to interact with people they have never talked to before, and to find new friends.”

The WordPress communities in Japan are quite positive and excited about the upcoming grand event. If you also want to know more about the WP japan community and learn their vision on different aspects of WordPress, then we suggest you register yourself for the event.


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