The newest version of Gutenberg, Gutenberg 4.5 was released yesterday with an array of new refinements and bug fixes.
Gutenberg 4.5 coincides with the WordPress 5.0 RC1 feature set. It has included many fixes, refinements, performance improvements for better user experience. In Gutenberg 4.5, a new CSS has been introduced to the media and text block, added multi-selection block panel to replace “Coming Soon” message, excluded reusable block from the global block unit, and more.
Here are some of the major changes you can find in Gutenberg 4.5 Update:
- In order to be able to use srcset and sizes on the front end, wp-image-###CSS class has been added to the media and text block in Gutenberg 4.5.
- Add minimal multi-selection block panel to replace “Coming Soon” message. It shows word and block count for the selection.
- Exclude reusable blocks from the global block count in Document Outline.
- Upgrade admin notices to use Notices module at runtime. It attempts to seamlessly upgrade notices output via an admin_noticesor all_admin_notices action server-side.
- Adjust the prefix transforms so that they only execute when they match text right at the caret so that they are undoable. Also makes it faster by checking if the previous character is a space.
- Save all meta-boxes when clicking the preview button. Set preview URL only after saving is complete.
- Add ability to specify a different default editor font per locale.
- Perform a complete draft save on preview.
- Remove permalink-based features from non-public CPTs.
Check out the full list of changes in Gutenberg 4.5 here.
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