The Gutenberg Editor is here with its updated version, Gutenberg 2.7. The new version was released on 18th April and as usual, it has brought several updates, tweaks, and enhancements along with it.
Gutenberg 2.7 had a full list of more than 90 enhancements and bug fixes this time. The release has introduced a number of visual refinements around block controls, a new block for pagination, and pushed much of the Plugin API out of its experimental stage. It also adds the highly requested ability to edit permalinks as well.
The new version has introduced a new pagination block that adds a page break. It allows users to break posts into multiple pages. The block is located in the Block-Layout Elements section.
The plugin has also brought several updates to link insertion interface, including the restoration of ‘Open in new window’ option, removal of the Unlink button (instead, links can be removed by toggling off the Link button in the formatting toolbar.), improved visibility of insertion UI when selecting a link and many more.
The Plugin Sidebar API has been now exposed and considered as final. The changes refactor all the existing Sidebar components to share the same set components and remove duplicated custom CSS styles applied to <PluginSidebar />. Know more about this change here.
Here are a few more notable changes that came along with a long list of enhancements in Gutenberg 2.7 this time:
- Add left/right block hover areas for displaying contextual block tools. This aims to reduce the visual UI and make it more aware of intention when hovering around blocks.
- Add ability to edit post permalinks from the post title area.
- Refactor and expose SidebarMoreMenuItem as part of Plugins API.
- Update inline “code” background color when part of multi-selection.
- Redesign toggle switch UI component to add clarity.
- Disable Drag & Drop into empty placeholders.
- Add ability to manually set image dimensions.
- Allow really long captions to scroll in galleries.
- Fix disappearing input when adding la ink to an image.
- Fix nested blocks’ contextual toolbarnot being fixed to the top when requested.
Check out the full list of changes in Miguel Fonseca’s post.
The Gutenberg Editor is getting better with each updated version. The developers are slowly implementing new features to make it as easier as possible for users. If you haven’t tested it yet, we suggest you give it a try. If you find something that bugs you, you’re always welcome to patch things you don’t like in WordPress.
You can subscribe here to stay updated with the new releases of Gutenberg Editor. And if you have anything to add, share or ask, feel free to use the comments section below.
Reference: WordPress Blog