WordPress.com Now Allows You to Schedule Your Social Media Posts

Schedule your social media posts from WordPress.com

Good news for all the WordPress.com users! WordPress.com has introduced a new feature in their feature list, Advanced Social Media. The new feature allows you to schedule your social media posts effortlessly.

Each website has its peak time, i.e. the time in a day when it gets the most users. It gets really difficult and confusing to post your content if you live in a different time zone than your readers. And, scheduling your posts at its peak hours is the only solution to fix this problem. And with this new feature being added to WordPress.com, you can now schedule your social media posts with so much ease.

The new Advanced Social Media feature for Business and Premium plan users (and for Jetpack Professional and Premium users) lets you schedule specific times that your content will be automatically shared on places like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It is difficult to know how a post will appear on social networks once it has automatically been shared. But, with new advanced social media feature in WordPress.com, you can even preview your social updates and make necessary changes.

Below are the few things you can do with Advanced Social Media feature:

  • Plan your social media posts in bulk to save time
  • Resurface older “evergreen” posts to share them with your newer followers
  • Craft messages especially to fit the profile or network where you are posting
  • Preview your upcoming social media posts
  • See the previous shares of the post

You can access all of these features by just selecting the “Share” button under a post in your posts list. You have the option to share your post immediately or select the calendar to pick a future time. To get the best results, make sure you preview your post first.

Image Source: The WordPress.com Blog

There are so many other self-hosted WordPress plugins that allow you to schedule your social media posts for free and some even integrate the social accounts with Google Analytics as well. The addition of this feature to Jetpack commercial plans may not be as compelling for self-hosted users, but it adds value for existing Jetpack customers who may now be able to replace a plugin or third-party service.

Advanced Social Media is one of the many social media features that WordPress.com has provided for its users. And we hope to see many other features on WordPress.com in future too.


Source: WP Tavern, The WordPress.com Blog

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