Jetpack 7.5.1 is here and includes two bug fixes that were found in Jetpack 7.5. The two bug fixes in Jetpack 7.5.1 are:
- Fixes an error when trying to delete the Jetpack plugin.
- Fixes supported PHP version declaration.
The new version, Jetpack 7.5.1 is a very minor update to the major release of Jetpack 7.5. Below is a detailed look at the major update 7.5.
Please note that the above-mentioned two bug fixes are the only changes since the major update 7.5.
Jetpack 7.5 Update
Jetpack 7.5 introduced several interesting improvements along with some bug fixes to further enhance the plugin. This time, the update has simplified logging in to WordPress mobile app with Magic Links, UI improvements, many tiny bug fixes, and compatibility improvements to make Jetpack more user-friendly.
Magic Links
With the Magic link, you will now be able to log in to the WordPress Mobile App in just a click. You will not need to enter any passwords, no password manager, or perform any other infuriating task. Simply visit the main Jetpack dashboard in your site’s admin area and email yourself a magic link. Click on “Log in to the WordPress Mobile App” link and a magic link will be sent to you via email. Click the link from your mobile device and log in easily.
UI Improvements
Jetpack 7.5 has included several UI improvements for further user convenience. The team has cleaned up their microcopy so that users will be able to move around Jetpack, navigate it and use everything it offers. Moreover, it has removed an extra step in the setup process and added clearer descriptions of Jetpack plans, taking some of the friction out of configuring things.
Other Bug Fixes and Compatibility Improvements
As usual, this update includes several bug fixes and compatibility improvements with hosting environments and other plugins.
WordPress 5.2 or Newer and Minimum PHP version
In order to use Jetpack 7.5, you must have a recent WordPress version, i.e. 5.2 or newer. Also, you need to have a fresher PHP version, i.e. higher than 5.6.
Check out the full changelog to know more about the updates in Jetpack 7.5 and Jetpack 7.5.1.
You can get in touch with the members of Jetpack if you have anything to ask about the new update or want to give feedback.
We recommend you to update your Jetpack to the latest version right away to avoid the fatal errors and changes.
Reference: Jetpack