If you are a blogger, the most recurring question in your mind will be, “How can I increase my site ranking?” But the thing is, your pages/posts are what rank on Google. So, if you want your site ranking to increase, you have to choose the particular page/post for which you want your site to rank. Or more specifically, you have to choose a keyword for which you want your page to rank. That is among the most important things for site ranking. That is where cornerstone pages come to play. Cornerstone articles are blog posts that literally provide your readers with huge amounts of value, resources and more.
Using cornerstone content for site ranking sounds tricky but you could achieve this feat if you’re willing to work a little extra for it. I researched a lot on cornerstone pages myself to bring this information to you. Reading articles endlessly on Copyblogger, Yoast, Magnet4Blogging and many others, I have compiled a concise list for you to use. A few weeks ago, I posted an article on what cornerstone content is, and how they are important. So if you’re reading this straightaway, I advise you to check that first and return. I’ll wait.
So, you’re back? Now, I hope you have an idea on what cornerstone contents are and how they help in site ranking. Therefore, this time around, I will show you how you can create your own cornerstone content to increase your site ranking. In easy ways, of course.
Who are your Audiences?
The first and foremost thing to creating an effective cornerstone article: Know your audience. This sounds obvious, I know. But most of the times, this particular piece can go on unnoticed. It’s easier if you already have an established loyal following. Conversely, if you’re new and trying to build an audience, then you should try to connect to your readers the best you can. According to Magnet4Blogging, these are what you should do:
- Respond to every comment on your posts without fail.
- Respond to every email from your readers and visitors.
- Reach out to your first followers and welcome them personally. Thank and remind them you’re there to help the best you can.
- Ask your followers for opinions. Even for minute changes. About to change the color theme of your blog? Ask for their thoughts.
- Use call to action at the end of every single post to promote engagement.
- Reward your readers for their encouragement and support.
Being close to your audiences is the first best thing you can do for your blog.
Research Keywords
I seriously cannot emphasize this more. Keywords are what search engines use to display your page on the search list. If you really want your cornerstone page to be found on the search engine, you have to do a little bit of a keyword research. Ask yourself, “What question of the searchers will my content specifically answer?” I found a post on Copyblogger that teaches how to research keywords properly, if you want thorough answers.
In addition, you can think what you yourself would type when looking for a certain “thing”. Almost always that is your answer to the perfect keyword.
Study the Content
Thoroughly! You can make a content rank for you all by itself, provided you have a well-established page that has a high overall authority. And why not? But what do you do if you’re a starter? You will need to resort to a few means if you want your site ranking to increase. And that is writing a content that is very impressive. You have to make your content strong and of good quality. Make your content specific. Address one issue that needs answering but do it in such a way that others will want to link back to it.
After you’ve done your content research and study, what comes next? You guessed it, writing it. With cornerstone content, don’t be in a rush. You need time and effort to make an effective cornerstone article. Cornerstones’ importance is colossal and so is the effort it requires. I researched on this very topic for over a week myself to understand the nitty-gritties of it.
When I say write your article, I mean actually focus on the topic and write what you understand about it. This doesn’t mean you cannot quote other awesome sites, but the major part of the content, write it yourself. That way, you can come across to the readers with more clarity and they understand what you are actually trying to deliver. And you do know what happens when readers are clear on a topic, don’t you? They get impressed and are willing to link/share your articles at other places increasing your site authority.
Reach out
Just writing the article on your perspective may sound a little bland to you, isn’t it? There’s a way to make your posts more interesting. Ask others about the topic. Get insights and add them to your posts. My colleague at Devote Press, when asked about Cornerstones says, “They’re the type of posts that can transform the status of your website.” That’s why, you need to get as much information into it as possible. Don’t make it constricted. Let your content grow.
Can get in touch with someone of authority knowledgeable on your topic of interest? Try landing a small interview with them.
Link Back—Heavily
When I write, I tend to add links of websites like Copyblogger, Yoast, Magnet4Blogging and many more. Why do I do that? Because the content that I link on those sites are resourceful and will inform my readers more. Link the articles of your own website on your content, yes. But don’t forget to link pages of authority to your content as well. Furthermore, try to link articles of lesser known bloggers, who you’re in close contact with. Here at Devote Press, we usually add links to Sakin Shrestha’s blog, because he writes articles with much information which we believe would be very informative to readers.
Proof Read
Finally you’ve written your article. Your cornerstone content you worked so hard on is complete. Is that enough? No. You need proof reading, heavy proof reading. But, wait. Don’t do it just then. Wait for some time before you read your article again. Take a day, or two. If you don’t give it enough time, you’ll go back to edit it again. Trust me, I’ve done it a time too many. So, read and re-read your article till you’re satisfied with it. Never rush. It’ll only make matters worse.
SEO Optimization
I use the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin to check my content’s on-page SEO. For me, it is very important that I optimize my SEO to the best of my ability. You can use any plugin you want. You just have to make sure you do not skimp on it. You want your site ranking to increase? You have to work for it.
Consequently, all your work is done. Finally, you can do that thing you’ve been waiting for since ages. Go on. Hit that Publish button. Your work writing the post is done. You can still promote it to increase your site ranking.
I will be back with another post on things you can do for site ranking. Till then, happy blogging!
Your Article is Wonderful ! A lot of Great Tips and Very nicely written . I have learned a lot from your article Thank you for sharing with us.
Kindest regards