Once again, the WCEU team has decided to take WordCamp Europe online for the year 2021. This is due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. WordCamp Europe 2021 will be a free, virtual event and anyone from around the globe can attend.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the cancelation of almost all outdoor events. Thousands of people around the globe have lost their lives and many are fighting for theirs due to coronavirus. We place our sincere sympathies to all those who are suffering because of this pandemic. Amidst all of this chaos, it is great to see that our WordPress communities from across the globe are actively participating in virtual WordPress conferences and continuing what we all love to do, i.e. WordPressing.
The biggest online WordPress conference, WordCamp Europe 2020 concluded last month with huge success, and WCEU2021 was announced during the closing remarks. It was supposed to be an in-person conference. However, we shouldn’t neglect the ongoing uncertainty due to COVID-19. So, considering the current global situation, it is safe that an event this huge takes a little more time before gathering people from around the globe to one physical space.
The news sure is saddening but it also is understandable. Meanwhile, you can help the WCEU team to make this virtual event better and striking. Answer their Call for Organizers and be a part of this extravaganza. Anyone interested in organizing or anyone with enthusiasm, dedication, and willingness to make this event work can apply.
Keep checking in to DevotePress for more information and news about WCEU2021 Online. We will keep you up-to-date on all the details over the coming months, including speaker submissions, tickets, schedules, and more!