The fourth Release Candidate for the next major release, WordPress 6.2 is here. WordPress 6.2 Release Candidate 4 is now available for the general public to test. The RC4 includes fixes for some late-discovered issues.
A release candidate (RC) means that the core development team is almost ready with 6.2. But, with millions of users and thousands of plugins and themes, they’re fully conscious of the possibility that something might have been missed.
To get ready for the final release of WordPress 6.2 on March 28, 2023, an RC4 has been put together to help cover some last-minute fixes.
There are three ways to test WordPress 6.2 Release Candidate 4:
- Option 1: Install and activate the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (select the “Bleeding edge” channel and “Beta/RC Only” stream).
- Option 2: Direct download the RC4 version (zip).
- And Option 3: Use the following WP-CLI command:
wp core update --version=6.2-RC4
If you find any bug or issue, you can report them to the Alpha/Beta support forum. This will help the development team to ship WordPress 6.2. If any known issues come up, you’ll be able to find them here.
Developers can test their plugins and themes against WordPress 6.2 and update the Tested up to the version in the readme to 6.2. If you find compatibility problems, please be sure to post to the support forums so the team can figure those out before the final release of WordPress 6.2.
Therefore, the major release is nearing and with that, the excitement is at its peak. Are you guys ready for the WordPress 6.2 update? Drop your thoughts in the comment box.
Happy testing!