WordPress 5.5.3 Maintenance Release is now available for download. Only a day after the release of WordPress 5.5.2, this quick maintenance update has been released.
This quick update, WordPress 5.5.3 Maintenance Release has fixed an issue introduced in WordPress 5.5.2. With 5.5.2, users were not able to install WordPress on a brand new website that didn’t have a database connection configured. The issue now has been fixed and it does not affect sites where a database connection is already configured.
5.5.3-alpha Issue
Earlier, the auto-update system for WordPress updated some sites from version 5.5.2 to version 5.5.3-alpha. This auto-update was due to an error in the Updates API caused by the 5.5.3 release preparations. The 5.5.3-alpha version at this point was functionally identical to 5.5.2 as no development work had been started on 5.5.3; however, the following changes may have been made to your site:
- The default “Twenty” themes installed as part of the pre-release package.
- The “Akismet” plugin installed as part of the pre-release package.
These themes and plugins were not activated and therefore remain non-functional unless you installed them previously. It is safe to delete these features should you prefer not to use them.
Since this is a maintenance release, we suggest you update your site ASAP to avoid fatal errors.
You can either directly download WordPress 5.5.3 or venture over to Dashboard > Updates and simply click “Update Now”. Websites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to v5.5.3.