DevotePress sat down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with Sebastiaan van der Lans at the recent WordCamp Europe 2019. Sebastian is the owner of a WordPress agency, Van Ons which was founded in 2006 with 25 developers. Since 2013, Sebastiaan has been researching the intersection between WordPress and blockchain, aiming for an inclusive, fair, and 100% open-source future!
At WordCamp Europe 2019, Sebastiaan talked on how blockchain would power the future of WordPress. He elucidated how open source and, specifically, the WordPress community can protect against the misuse of data, unfair distribution of wealth, and censorship from closed-source monopolies such as Facebook, Uber, and AirBnB.
In this interview, Sebastiaan also talks about timestamping your content and why is it so important in WordPress. “If you don’t timestamp your content five years from now, you’ll be considered to frost. You can timestamp your “Terms and Conditions” and also your content.” According to him, timestamps mean someone really takes responsibility and accountability for it.
Not only that, but he also talks about his WordPress journey, his thoughts, and opinion on the 100% open source, his talk, takeaways, wellness session in WCEU2019, and more. He was quite excited to share some of his personal life stories as well, which was motivating and commendable.
He’s a cool personality to be around and learn new things from as he’s very “on point” about what he talks. We’re very happy to have Sebastiaan in our WCEU2019 Interview Series. DevotePress would like to thank Sebastiaan van der Lans for taking out time and sitting with us for this interview.
Here is the full exclusive interview with Sebastiaan van der Lans:
Find Sebastiaan van der Lans on:
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