The Gutenberg Editor Updates: Gutenberg 3.3 Released

Gutenberg 3.3 Released

The updated version of Gutenberg Editor is here – Gutenberg 3.3. The newest version was released over the weekend with several updates, enhancements, and tweaks.

This time around, the changelog had a full list of more than 90 improvements in Gutenberg 3.3. This release has continued to improve multiple areas of the editor including its behaviors and tools in order to ease out the tasks for users. Gutenberg 3.3 has focused towards refining the user experience, user interface, and strengthening the API surface. A couple of new server rendered blocks have been added to the library. Also, there are multiple packages being extracted as the APIs mature.

Let’s have a quick look at the refinements in Gutenberg 3.3.

The updated version has included two new widget blocks to the library – Post Archives and Recent Comments.

Archives and Recent Comments blocks
Archives and Recent Comments blocks.

If your archives list is too long, it might look a little untidy on your website. So, in order to present your website in a clean and elegant manner, you can configure the Archives block to display as a drop-down menu. Also, another new block – Latest Comments has been added to widgets category in 3.3 to display the recent comments on your site.

Gutenberg 3.3 has added four additional attributes to the Video blockAutoplay, Controls, Loop, and Muted.

Video block with additional attributes


Gutenberg 3.3 has a long list of new features along with refinements. Check out the full list of changes in Matias Ventura’s post.

The Gutenberg Editor is getting better with each updated version as it is getting closer to its final release. Also, the developers are implementing new features to make it as easier as possible for users to use it with each update If you haven’t tested it yet, we suggest you give it a try right away. If you find something that bugs you, you’re always welcome to patch things you don’t like in WordPress.

You can subscribe here to stay updated with the new releases of Gutenberg Editor. And if you have anything to add, share or ask, feel free to use the comments section below.


ReferenceWordPress Blog

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